About Us

Our Purpose

In a world that tells you to be true to yourself, Be True Mama was created to inspire you to do the exact opposite. We are called to be true to all that God has created us to be.

We know it is easier said than done, Mama. That's why our designs are meant to remind you of God's love and encourage you to pursue Him each day.

My Story

Hi, Mama! Britany here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I am a mama of 3 and the owner of this shop.

2020 was the year of COVID-19 but also the year I gave birth to my daughter, Aaliyah. She came three-and-a-half years after my first-born son and sparked a new way of thinking about motherhood. I soon realized how important it was for me to model self-love and self-care if I wanted those behaviors to be passed down to her. That's how Be True Mama was born, out of the idea that mamas should be true to themselves, for themselves but also for their children and future generations to come.

Then in 2021, I met God in my car, on the way to visit my cousin in the hospital after he experienced a terrible motor-scooter accident. A sermon from Life.Church was playing and the tears rolled down my face. As always, Pastor Craig asked who was ready to give their life over to Jesus and this time I threw my hand in the air (the other on the steering wheel, of course). Since that day, my life has been forever changed.

After surrendering my life to Jesus and learning more about Him, I realized that the self-love and self-care narrative was more of this world than it is of the kingdom of God. And that is when Be True Mama took on a different meaning...

Instead, we are to be true to God, to His plan and His purpose for our lives. We are called to be true to all that He created us to be.

And so I'm taking a step of faith here by believing that this brand is my way of serving God and being true to His plan for my life.

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33